We are in the goal business. Helping people define, refine
and achieve their financial goals.
What does it take to achieve and surpass financial goals?
It takes willpower. Remember the “protestant work ethic” of
delayed gratification? Starting early
and staying with a plan is a key component to attaining financial success.
It takes resources. Income in excess of expenses is the primary
means of developing resources to put towards goals like retirement, housing,
education and travel.
It takes knowledge of knowing where you’re going
and if you’re on track to get there.
That’s called feedback. You need
a mechanism to keep you informed of your progress and to alert you to altering
your actions to stay on track or ahead of schedule.
Now what are the most frequent obstacles we see that prevent
goal achievement?
Lower priorities take over disposable income and not enough resources
are directed to higher priority, but longer-term goals. Parties, video games, you name it. In our
society it’s easy to become diverted by slick marketing, peer pressure, and
poor habits.
Lack of resources. Decisions that affect expenses whether they are
day-to-day living expense decisions or long term debt decisions like student loans
lead to an inability to save adequately for long term financial goals.
No goals in the first place. We call this the “seat of the pants”
plan. Without a roadmap any highway will
take you there. The majority of baby
boomers might fit into this category.
For most of them it’s too late and they are going to work many more
years and retire at a much lower standard of living than they otherwise might
of because they never planned ahead.
So what can we take away from this discussion?
It’s never too late to plan although the longer
you wait the harder it is.
It takes discipline and a denial of other
counterproductive opportunities.
It takes a feedback mechanism, including
coaching in some cases, to stay on track and know when to hold ‘em and when to
fold them (thanks to Kenny Rogers).
As this year comes to an end. We want you to be thinking of goals and what
you will be doing next year to achieve them.
Good Luck.